Register Mark Detection Precautions

  • To ensure the distance between register marks is the same as the cutting length, enter the distance between printed register marks when they are detected. Scale compensation setting [DIST.REVI.]
    In this case, the distance correction is disabled, and register mark spacing scale correction takes precedence.
    Subsequently altering the distance correction function value disables the register mark spacing scale correction.
  • The sheet tilt correction, register mark spacing scale correction, and origin position will be cleared if the clamp lever is pushed to the rear and the sheet removed.
  • The origin is set at TP1 (position at center of corner lines) when a register mark is detected.
  • Using the jog keys to set the origin to another position enables that origin.
  • Position the register marks to form a rectangle when the four points are linked.
    Cutting offset may result if the marks are arranged unevenly.
  • If the rotation function was set, this will be automatically disabled.