Aborting Cutting (Data Clear)

  • If data is not cleared, data already received will be cut on returning to remote mode.
  • If data is cleared and data is received after returning to remote mode, new data will be cut.
  • Do not clear data while data is in the process of being sent.
  1. Check to confirm that data is not currently being received.
  • Check, at the top right of the screen, that the amount of data received is not increasing.
  • Do not clear data while data is being received.
  1. Press the [REMOTE] key.
  • Cutting is paused.
  1. Press the [FUNCTION] key.
  1. Press up jog_down jog_ to select [DATA CLEAR], then press the [ENTER/HOLD] key.
  • The data is cleared.
  • The data received remains within the receiving buffer even after using data clear. Repeated cutting is possible using the multiple sheet cutting function.