Error404 Y CURRENT

  • Please see following procedures.

If a carriage collides with the media to cause an error, perform the following procedure:

1. Turn off the main power switch on the back side of the main unit.

2. Remove the front cover, and then move the carriage to carefully remove the

3. When the main power switch on the back side of the main unit is in the off
  position, move the carriage with your hands to check that it moves smoothly.

4. Move the carriage slowly with your hands to return it to the station
  (the right side from the front of the main unit).

5. Install the front cover and turn on the main power switch on the back side of
  the main unit. Press the power button on the front side of the main unit, and
  then perform cleaning and test drawing after the machine is started.

If the result of test drawing is not acceptable,
see "Q: Unusual nozzle test was printed".

If the error is recurrent, perform the following procedure:

1. Restart the main unit.

2. Check the timing when the error occurs and please contact us.
  •Does it occur immediately after turning on the main unit?
  •Does it occur during printing?
  •Does it occur when printing other data?

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