- The ink in the ink cartridge is low. Drawing can be continued, but the ink may end during the drawing. Replace the ink cartridge shown on the display as soon as possible.
• In case of below, Magenta ink is low.
*If INK NEAR END is displayed, machine cannot operate “CLEANING” or “FILL UP” function.
Also printer stops printing and go back to [LOCAL] after you printed each jobs, even if you tried to print couple jobs continuously.

• When 600ml cartridge is used, there is a case that below message shown on the LCD. The status becomes INK NEAR END after LVL LOW depend on firmware version. Refer to Operation manual for more details.

When INK NEAR END appears even ink remains a lot
[When using 220ml cartridge]
There is a possibility that near end detect sensor is broken.
Near end cannot be cleared once it detected, so please insert ink cartridge to ink slot gentry.

[When using 600ml cartridge]
Enter weight of the cartridge on “CART WEIGHT”. Refer to
Operation manual for details.