- Please check the following contents.
1. Cautions for installation environment
Prepare a place that satisfies the following conditions.
(1) Temperature from 20°C to 35°C, humidity from 35% to 65%Rh (No Condensation)
(2) Temperature gradient ±10°C/h or less
(3) Not exposed to direct wind, such as from air conditioner
(4) Horizontal
(5) No oscillation nor vibration
(6) Required installation space is secured
(7) Free from flame
(8) Less dust
(9) No other chemicals circumferentially (they may degrade image quality)
* Please contact us for details.
* If the ink odor is annoying, we recommend to use the optional exhaust fan unit 260 (OPT-J0206) or use the printer at a ventilated place.
2. Main unit dimensions and required installation area
The dimensions and the required installation area of the JV34-260 main unit is as follows.
Secure a place for the main unit and drawing. The JV34-260 main unit needs a 1,000mm or more clearance before and behind it, and a 500mm or more clearance left and right of it.
* An extra space is necessary for the personal computer for RIP and optional items.
External dimensions

Required installation area