Mimaki Remote Access

Required device specifications

DeviceSupported OS, Model
Windows PC Windows 10 Home/Pro (32/64bit) *1, Windows 11 Home/Pro *2
Smartphone iOS16 or later *3

Android OS 12 or later

*1 Windows 10: Ver 22H2 or later
*2 Windows 11: Ver 23H2 or later
*3 Excluding iPod touch and iPad

Required operating environment

Required operating environment: Mimaki Remote Access

No.DeviceOperating environment
1 Mimaki printer/plotter A printer/plotter supporting remote operation
2 PC A Windows PC with software such as RasterLink and FineCut9 installed as well as MRA
3 Wireless LAN router A communication device allowing wireless connection to the network to which the printer/plotter and PC are connected
4 Smartphone A smartphone on which MRA has been installed
5 USB cable A USB cable connecting the printer/plotter to the PC
6 Ethernet cable Ethernet cables for connecting the printer/plotter, PC, and wireless LAN router

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